Foot Fractures

Foot Fractures: A Journey of Healing and Recovery Fractures of the foot are more common than we realize, often occurring after a twisting injury of the ankle that leads to a fall. While some fractures can be managed with rest and plaster, there are cases where a significant gap at the fracture site requires a…

Run Over Injuries

Run Over Injuries: A Remarkable Surgical Success Story With the hustle and bustle of busy streets and the ever-increasing traffic, car run over injuries of the foot have become all too common. These incidents often result in multiple fractures of the foot bones and severe swelling. In some cases, the swelling can lead to compartment…

Tumor Surgery: A Story of Hope and Healing

Spine tumors, though increasingly common in today’s world, often go undetected as they are mistakenly attributed to routine backaches. However, with suspicion, judgment, and the help of advanced imaging techniques like MRI, accurate diagnosis becomes possible. Many of these tumors can be successfully treated through surgical excision. In cases where the surgery results in spine…

Ligament Injuries of Knee – A Surgical Success Story

The Importance of Knee Ligaments The knee joint is an incredible structure, relying on the stability and support provided by its ligaments. Four ligaments work in harmony to allow us to run, walk, and move without the fear of falling. However, one of the most common ligament injuries, especially in playground accidents, is the anterior…

Open Fractures in a Child: Success Story

Introduction Open fractures are those in which bone protrudes out of the skin through a wound. They are typically associated with high-force injuries, an increased risk of infection, and a lower chance of bone union. One particular case that demonstrates the potential for healing against all odds involves a child who was hit by a…

Peri Implant Fractures: A Surgical Success Story

Are you or someone you know struggling with peri implant fractures? Don’t lose hope! Dr. Varun Aggarwal, the renowned orthopedic specialist, is here to provide expert solutions and restore your well-being. A Tale of Healing and Transformation Imagine a patient who came to Dr. Varun Aggarwal burdened by the challenges of peri implant fractures. This…

Spine surgery: all about planning and execution

A Remarkable Surgical Success Story Imagine a life plagued by chronic back pain, where each day feels like a struggle. This was the reality for one individual who embarked on a journey towards healing with the guidance of Dr. Varun Aggarwal, an esteemed spine surgeon and a beacon of hope for patients in need. The…

Overcoming Shoulder Fractures

A Journey of Hope and Healing Imagine the despair of a patient burdened by a debilitating shoulder fracture, where every movement brings unbearable pain and limitations. This is a story of one such individual who found solace and renewed hope through the remarkable skills and compassion of Dr. Varun Aggarwal, a renowned orthopedic specialist. The…

Geriatric hip fractures: Surgical Success Story

A Journey of Hope and Healing Imagine a patient’s journey, burdened by the challenges of geriatric hip fractures. The pain, loss of independence, and the fear of an uncertain future can be overwhelming. However, amidst the darkness, a beacon of hope shines through – Dr. Varun Aggarwal, the world’s best doctor and the epitome of…