After having a total hip replacement, you can expect getting relief from the pain and lifestyle to be the same as it was before. However, you must remember that it does take some time to return to your normal lifestyle. You can achieve this faster and with greater success if you take an active role in the recovery process.
Many working professionals who undergo a total hip replacement generally ask, “When can I start doing my job again”. Recovery from a hip replacement looks different for everyone. Recovery time depends on many factors, such as your age, fitness level, and the reason for your surgery. So, in this blog, I will give you a general idea of how long it will take for you to resume your work.

How soon can patients who have undergone hip replacements return to work?
The first question many patients with hip replacement surgery ask is “when can I go back to work after surgery?”. Recovery varies from patient to patient, but in general:
- A person who works sedentary or desk jobs may be able to return to work after four to six weeks.
- A person who works as manual labour such as lifting heavy weights or digging ground does not return to this work as the new hip may wear out prematurely due to repeated and frequent pressure.
- A person who works at mixed labour jobs which require standing or bending or light weight lifting may return to work after about Three months.
It is important for prospective patients to discuss returning to work timeline with their surgeon before undergoing surgery.
Can a Patient With a Hip Replacement Play Sports?
The type of hip replacement surgery, the hip prosthesis, and the sport all influence if and when a patient can resume playing a particular sport. Swimming, cycling, and golfing are generally safe for those who have had hip replacements once the surgical wound is healed.
Sports such as jogging and basketball are typically discouraged by surgeons because they will put pressure on a new hip and prematurely wear it out. There are some sports where a relaxed pace is appropriate, such as doubles tennis.
When can patients with hip replacements start driving?
Some patients may be able to drive as soon as two weeks after surgery, while many others may take up to eight weeks. It all depends upon how fast a patient is getting relief from pain. As soon as the patient stops taking painkillers, he/she may start driving. It is important that patients should not drive after taking painkillers as it may affect their driving skills which are unsafe.
Entering and exiting a car
It can be challenging to get into and out of a car before returning to driving, especially if the height of the car seats is low.
- To maximise legroom, the front passenger seat is backed up as far as possible.
- The seat can be raised a few inches with a pillow or folded blanket.
A patient can learn how to get in and out of a car safely with the help of a nurse or physical therapist.
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