Foods Rich In Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of fat that our body cannot produce by itself. They are essential fats, which means they are necessary for survival. We get Omega-3 fatty acids from the foods we eat. Therefore, the foods high in omega-3 fatty acids are essential to a balanced, healthy diet. 

These polyunsaturated fats have several benefits to our health. For example, these are extremely good for the functioning of the brain.

Omega 3 fatty acids are divided into three types – ALA (alpha linolenic acid), DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), and EPA (eicosatetraenoic acid). While ALA is typically found in plant sources, nuts, and seeds, DHA and EPA are best found in seafood.

Foods Rich In Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Today, I will tell you about the best foods you can include in your diet to get Omega-3 fatty acids. So, let’s begin!

Top 11 Omega 3 Fatty Acid-Rich Foods

The top 11 food sources of omega 3 fatty acids are listed below.


Salmon is one of the popular foods with the highest concentration of Omega-3 fatty acids. Apart from Omega-3 fatty acids, it is also abundant in protein, magnesium, potassium, selenium, and B-5 vitamins. You can get about 2260 mg of omega-3 from 100 grams of salmon.


Your body benefits greatly from these small brown seeds. They function like a magic ingredient in your body. Flax Seeds are extremely rich in omega-3 fatty acids. 

Supplements containing omega 3 contain a large amount of flaxseed oil. Magnesium and Vitamin E levels in flaxseeds are also very high. One tablespoon of Flaxseeds contains around 1597 mg of omega-3.

Cod Liver Oil 

Cod liver oil serves as more like a health supplement than a food item. The name of this oil comes from the codfish as it is made from codfish’s liver. 

Cod liver oil is abundant in vitamins A and D. Before eating fish oil, make sure to speak with a doctor because too much of it might be harmful. You can consume cod liver oil in capsule form or directly with the tablespoon. 

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds is a popular Omega 3 food. They are an excellent source of manganese, phosphorus, and calcium. They contain a huge amount of omega-3 fatty acids. One tablespoon of chia seeds contains around 2457 mg of omega-3 content.


Omega 3 fatty acids, fibre, antioxidants, vitamins, fat, calcium, and protein are all abundant in walnuts. It is important not to remove the skin of walnuts before eating, as it contains antioxidant phenol. Walnuts help with weight reduction, memory and mental health, cancer prevention, cardiovascular health, and depression. Seven walnuts have around 2542 mg Omega-3 content.


Caviar is one of the incredible foods high in omega-3 fatty acids. These are salty fish eggs that are typically added in small amounts as a garnish or as a starter.

Caviar is unquestionably a great approach to taking in omega-3 fatty acids. Per 100 grams of Caviar has around 6789 mg of Omega-3 content.


Tuna is another food you can add in your diet to get Omega-3 fatty acids. The amount of Omega-3 fatty acid varies in different types of tuna. 

If you want to get the most omega-3 from tuna, choose water-packed tuna rather than oil-packed tuna.


Eggs are loaded with vitamins, protein, Omega-3, and a fat-fighting nutrient called choline. So, you can include eggs in your diet to get Omega-3.

Specialised omega 3 eggs are now available in the market. Omega 3 sources are supplemented into hens’ feed, mainly flaxseeds, to produce these eggs.

It is advised that you speak with your doctor and look for a healthy option if you are experiencing any cholesterol-related issues. 


Spinach is a nutrient-dense food that is high in calcium, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, potassium, iron, protein, fibre, vitamin A, C, E, and K. 

Spinach helps to increase memory, brain function, control blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease, and give us more energy. 

Spinach is high in Omega 3 fatty acids. Per 100 gram of Spinach has around 370 mg of omega-3 fatty acids.


The nutrients in soybeans include fibre, folate, vegetable protein, potassium, magnesium, vitamin K, etc. Additionally, they contain large amounts of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Per 100 gm of soybeans contains around 1443 mg of Omega-3. So, don’t forget to include these in your diet for Omega-3 content.


Cauliflower is an omega-3-rich food. It has anti-inflammatory qualities and is abundant in phytochemicals. It also contains minerals, magnesium, potassium, fiber, soluble sugar, etc. Cauliflower contains about 28 calories per cup. It provides a lot of omega-3 fatty acids.

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