
Injuries are common while playing sports or doing exercise. These injuries can include twists,
bumps, or strains. They can happen to anyone who loves to play sports, from new players to the
really good ones. Understanding these injuries is super important because it helps us prevent
them and take care of ourselves if they happen.
Imagine if you couldn’t play your favorite game because of an injury. That wouldn’t be fun, right?
That’s why learning about these injuries is so important. It helps us know what we can do to stop
them from happening and still have lots of fun when we play.
Being safe while playing sports is just as important as having fun. Learning how these injuries
happen and what we can do to stop them helps us stay safe and have the best time when we
play sports.

Let’s See the Most Common Sports Injuries

Sprained ankle

A sprained ankle is when the bands holding your ankle together get stretched too much or torn.
It often happens when you suddenly twist or turn your foot while playing sports like basketball or

Causes: Imagine walking on an uneven surface and suddenly your foot twists. That’s how a
sprained ankle usually happens – quick movements or landing awkwardly.
Symptoms: When you sprain your ankle, it can hurt a lot, swell up, and sometimes, you might
find it tough to walk or put weight on it.
Sports: Sprained ankles are quite common in sports where you have to move fast, like
basketball or soccer. But they can happen in any sport where you need to be quick on your feet.
Treatment: To help it get better, you need to rest your ankle, put ice on it, wrap it with a
bandage, and keep it up. It’s like giving your ankle a little break to heal.
Prevention: Strengthening the muscles around your ankle and doing exercises to improve
balance can help prevent sprained ankles. And, of course, wearing proper shoes for your sport
can make a big difference.

Muscle strains

Muscle strains happen when your muscles or tendons stretch too much or tear. It’s like when
you pull or overdo a muscle during certain activities.

Causes: Doing things that need sudden or forceful movements, like sprinting or lifting
something heavy, can sometimes lead to muscle strains. It’s when your muscles get pushed
more than they’re used to.
Symptoms: When you strain a muscle, it can feel sore and painful. Sometimes, you might
notice swelling or find it hard to move that part of your body comfortably.
Activities: Activities like running fast or lifting heavy things are common causes of muscle
strains. Any sport where you need to move quickly or do something strong might cause it.
Prevention: Doing warm-up exercises before starting any sport or activity helps your muscles
get ready. Also, learning the right techniques and not overdoing things can lower the chances of
getting muscle strain.

Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow is a pain around your elbow, even if you don’t play tennis. It’s when you do the
same arm movements a lot, like playing tennis or doing certain work activities.

Who Gets It: It’s not just for tennis players; anyone who does repeated arm movements can get
tennis elbow. People who play sports like tennis, golf, or even musicians can sometimes feel
this pain.
Symptoms: When you have tennis elbow, your elbow might hurt and feel tender. Sometimes, it
can be tricky to even hold things or move your arm without discomfort.
Managing It: Resting your arm, using an ice pack, and avoiding activities that make it hurt more
can help it feel better. Sometimes, doctors suggest special exercises or tools to ease the pain.

Runner’s Knee

Runner’s knee, also called patellofemoral pain syndrome, is when your kneecap feels sore. It
happens during activities like running, jumping, or squatting.

Understanding It: A Runner’s knee makes your knee hurt around the kneecap. It’s like a dull
ache that bothers you, especially when you move or bend your knee a lot.
Why It Happens: Doing sports that need lots of running or jumping can sometimes lead to
a runner’s knee. Also, if your muscles around the knee aren’t strong enough, it might make your
kneecap hurt.
Preventing It: Strengthening your leg muscles by doing exercises and wearing good shoes that
support your feet can help prevent a runner’s knee. Also, not pushing yourself too hard in
activities can make a difference.

Shoulder Injuries

Shoulder injuries can happen when you do a lot of movements with your arms overhead, like
throwing a ball, swimming, or playing volleyball.

Specific Sports Impact: Sports that need lots of throwing, swinging, or lifting your arms over
your head can sometimes hurt your shoulders. Activities like swimming, volleyball, or baseball
are common culprits.
Strengthening: Strengthening the muscles around your shoulders can make them stronger and
less likely to get hurt. Doing exercises that focus on these muscles helps a lot.
Protection Tips: Wearing the right gear, like supportive braces or pads, can give your
shoulders extra protection while you play. Also, learning the correct techniques for your sport
can help avoid injuries.


Fractures happen when your bones break, often during high-impact sports or activities.

High-Impact Sports Risks: Playing sports where there’s a lot of force or rough collisions, like
football, skateboarding, or skiing, can sometimes cause fractures. Falls or hard hits during these
sports might lead to broken bones.
What to Do: If you suspect a fracture, it’s essential to stop moving that injured part and get help
right away. Putting ice on the area and keeping it still can prevent more damage until a doctor
checks it.
Treatment: Doctors might put a cast or a splint on the fractured area to help it heal. Sometimes,
surgery might be needed to fix the bone properly.

Concussions are serious head injuries that can happen in contact sports.

Contact Sports Seriousness: Games like football, soccer, or even wrestling involve a lot of
contact. If someone gets hit hard on the head during these games, they might get a concussion.
Protection Matters: Wearing helmets or headgear designed for your sport is super important.
They cushion your head and lower the risk of getting a concussion.
Safety Rules: Following the rules of the game and not doing anything dangerous can help
avoid head injuries. Coaches and referees are there to make sure everyone plays safely.

Achilles Tendon Rupture

Achilles tendon rupture happens when the big tendon at the back of your ankle tears.

What Causes It: Quick movements, like jumping or sudden running, can sometimes cause this
injury. It’s like a snap or pop in your ankle.
Getting Better: If this happens, you might need surgery to fix it. Then, there’s a recovery
process that involves resting, using crutches, and doing exercises to make your ankle strong
Recovery Journey: After the surgery, you’ll need to take it easy and follow the doctor’s advice.
Gradually, you’ll start doing exercises to help your ankle get back its strength and movement.

Shin Splints

Shin splints make the front part of your lower legs hurt. They can happen when you do a lot of
running or intense activities.

Causes: Running on hard surfaces or suddenly increasing the intensity of your exercises can
sometimes cause shin splints. It feels like aching or throbbing along the shinbone.
Symptoms: You might feel pain, tenderness, or swelling along your shinbone. It’s like a dull
ache that bothers you, especially when you move.
Preventing It: Wearing good shoes made for your sport and avoiding overdoing activities can
help prevent shin splints. Resting when you feel discomfort also gives your legs time to recover.

Groin Pull

A groin pull happens when you suddenly move or change direction, mostly in sports like soccer
or hockey.

Sports Occurrence: It’s common in sports that need quick changes in direction or sudden
movements. You might feel a sharp pain in your groin area.
Symptoms: When you get a groin pull, you might feel pain or tenderness in your groin.
Sometimes, it can be tough to move your leg comfortably or put weight on it.
Taking Care: Resting, applying ice to the area, and doing gentle stretches can help a groin pull
feel better. It’s essential to take it easy and avoid activities that strain your groin until it heals.

Expert Help for Sports Injuries: Dr. Varun Aggarwal is Here for You

When it comes to handling sports injuries, fractures, and bone issues, dr. Varun Aggarwal is
always there for you with his top-notch expertise and personalized treatment plans. His
dedicated team ensures personalized attention and specialized care to swiftly and safely guide
you through your recovery journey. Schedule a consultation today and experience the
commitment to restoring your mobility and overall well-being.


Sports are thrilling and bring joy, but they come with the risk of injuries. Understanding the top
10 common sports injuries—like sprained ankles, muscle strains, and concussions—helps in
both prevention and quicker recovery. Preventive actions such as warming up, using proper
gear, and seeking medical advice when injured are crucial.
It’s not just about playing; it’s about playing smart and safe. Enjoying sports while staying safe is
the winning game plan. Taking care of oneself and playing wisely ensures that the thrill of the
game continues while minimizing the chances of getting hurt. So, stay active, have fun, and play
it safe